
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2014

Heal the world with stories podcasts

A new step in podcasts.

Podcasts of Art and Music in Jars: Meet our future projects!

Openvoices making off trailer

About Platero and I - El Greco. Thanks to @capileiratic and his students

Book ME-Library Podcast

Can a Venn Diagram Become Art?

Arts&music around the world podcast

@Blogmaniacos' Answers#2. For Book ME-Library

Open Voices Podcasts

Open Voices movie trailer

Presentación en 3 pasos para #ABPmooc_INTEF

Tools and Resources to Create Digital Content

#DoNowSelfies #DoNow_urjc

Educational Collaborative e-Projects Worldwide

Trailer of the e-Project: "Art and Music in Jars"

Heal the world with stories trailer

Classroom Photo Album

Arts and music around the world trailer

The Breaking Movie Trailer!

Presentations, Animations, Storytelling, Slideshows

A Blogging Weekend

MOOC on PBL coming soon

Working with audio

Video Creation and Edition. Tools, Apps and Tips

Book ME-Library Trailer

Espiral Awards 2014

Working with images

Our latest movie trailer!

Storyboarding the trailer of the Book-Me Library e-project

Blogging, Designing Sites, Webs and Online Classrooms

Search engines, research tools and bookmarking

Music The Art and Touch Others' Hearts

Our logo ! Team 6 ( Leyre, Eva and Silvia)

Storytelling e-project, by Alvaro, Laura and Maria

Tips to build your PLE & PLN

A list of resources to foster Digital Literacy for Primary Bilingual Education

A list of links to find Creative Commons materials

Breaking Science Podcast Survey

Art and Music in jars

#DoNowSong #DoNow_urjc Round Up

Selfies: Love Them or Hate Them?

Blogmaniacos' answers for Book ME-Library


Concha's webmix to approach world music and art to Primary kids

Open Voices - The Journalists' Team

Art and Music Around the World

Book ME-Library

Enjoy learning: Music and Art

Spring Blog Festival. March 14-16, 2014