Moodle MOOC 10 - Starting on 1 May 2017

Moodle MOOC 10 (MM10) is scheduled to take place from May 1 - June 4, 2017 on Moodle for Teachers.

The purpose of the MOOC is to connect with educators for instruction and learning, reflective practice, social and collaborative learning, cultural exchange and peace, personal and professional development, community building, best practices and challenges involved in teaching and learning with technology, student engagement with the content, peers, and the facilitator, and learning to teach online with Moodle course and learning management system.

MM10 will take place on a Moodle website called Moodle for Teachers (M4T) and Moodle for Teaching.
Participants will be able to participate in live online classes and view the recordings from the Moodle session area. The aim of the M4T workshop is to provide participants, who have never used Moodle or who would like to enrich their previous Moodle experiences, with the knowledge and skills to navigate a Moodle course, access resources, activities, and blocks from a student perspective and practice the same Moodle features in practice areas as teachers and managers of a Moodle course. The participants will develop a lesson in teams in a Moodle course of their own.  
Participants will need to devote at least 10 hours a week on theoretical and practical aspects of online learning (individually and in teams). Participants will learn about resources, activities, and blocks as students and practice the role of a teacher in setting up resources and activities and in the role of a manager to set up blocks in a Moodle course. In addition, teacher will have access to the admin settings for courses and user enrollments as managers of a Moodle course and Moodle site. Participants will learn to create tutorials and collaborate with students using Jing, Screencast-o-matic and/or SlideSpeech and authoring tools (Youtube, Vimeo).
In week 1, you will be grouped into teams of 10 or more depending on the number of participants, so you can practice as managers of your own course and create a lesson in the course. Access the collaborative group discussion forum below to view your group and get your password to access your Moodle MOOC 10 Moodle Course Practice Area (MM10CPA). You may collaborate with your group and start planning the collaborative course from week 2.

Certificates of Completion

Participants, who wish to get a certificate, will need to enrol in the Moodle MOOC 10 (MM10): Reflecting on the Webinars in order to reflect on 5 of the live presentations (webinars) on Moodle MOOC 10. They are required to write a text and add Multimedia to each post. They can create a PowerPoint presentation and add voice to it using SlideSpeech or if they don't wish to use their own voice or they do not have a mic, they can use Slide Speech or Plotagon. Participants are required to adhere to the following reflection template.
Participants only need to add the link to their blog post for each of the reflections. After they submit they link, they will be able to retrieve their certificate of completion for MM10. The due date for the reflective practice is June 15, 2017.

Badges on Moodle 3.1 and Moodle 3.2

Participants will be awarded a badge for each week of MM10 Moodle training. Participants need to follow and do the tasks required on Moodle for Teachers Moodle MOOC 10 teacher training course area. Participants, who get a badge for each week of the Moodle training, will qualify for a certificate of completion. Due date is June 10, 2017.

Dr. Nellie Deutsch, an experienced education technology practitioner, will help set up online Moodle courses and support you all throught the MOOC as well. Meanwhile, follow the conversation at Twitter using #moodlemooc10.
Do not miss the live lessons and/or the follow-up recordings for first hand good practices on teaching with Moodle.
