Learning activities for 21st century skills: flipped classroom and collaboration in a Future Classroom scenario

On 3 February 2017 I was invited by European Schoolnet Academy to take part in a live session and share on Learning activities for 21st century skills: flipped classroom and collaboration in a Future Classroom scenario, as part of the social activities of their Future Classroom Scnearios MOOC.

I would like to share the support slideshow with you as well as to thank the live session hostess and host for their support and for the recording.

It is always a pleasure to connect with other educators and learn from one another.

As promised during the session, I would also like to tip on some of the collaborative projects and online tools that we exchanged on that Friday afternoon, just in case they might be useful for future learning scenarios:

Collaborative projects on visuals, posters and infographics:

- InfoEdugrafías: it is a collaborative project founded by a team of Spanish teachers to foster the use of infographics and visual thinking in Education. Its site, available at https://sites.google.com/site/infoedugrafias/formacion-de-grupos-y-eleccion-del-tema, provides guidelines and help for flipping lessons through these artefacts,

- The Twima Project: it is a world collaborative project that brings students of all ages together, around a common topic, in order to design and create a free collaborative ebook full of mentoring, cooperation, creativity and flipped outcomes. The calls open twice a year and are advertised by its founder, @theipodteacher.

Samples of school use, tools and ideas

Here you are some samples of how digital storytelling, posters, infographics and other visuals might be put in to practice when flipping lessons in a future learning scenario, using various online tools:

- Chain stories curated at Padlet: the teacher or a student starts the visual illustrated story and the rest keep it up for some time, until deadline set by the teams/teachers is over. The  sample comes from an online course on Digital Storytelling for Teachers run ny INTEF

- Collection of ready to use infographics at Pinterest: https://es.pinterest.com/infoedugrafias/

- Quick, effective posters on Tackk, which are easy to use to advertise events, as posters to spread online or print, and so forth. https://tackk.com/@majegsm

- Social flyers to brainstorm, curate, advertise, and so forth designed with Smorehttps://www.smore.com/u/mjgsm
