Evaluating before designing
Before designing any kind of educational project, or even before planning it, it is essential to evaluate works by other teachers, especially if they inspiring ones or school tested projects.
This evaluation stage is a bridge to be crossed when approaching a Project Based Learning methodology and enriches any hands-on flipped classroom technique too.
Here you are the experience at evaluating CLIL projects carried out by a group of pre-service Primary teachers at URJC in Spain, prior to their own e-project drafting.
The experience was divided into two steps:
Step 1. Pre-service teachers are provided with a range of eprojects and ebooks to evaluate designs and determine how they want to design their own e-project:
- EDIA CLIL Projects: http://cedec.ite.educacion.es/es/rea-ingles
- CLIL teaching projects: https://clilingmesoftly.wordpress.com/clil-projects/
- CLIL eprojects: http://stopandlearnenglish.blogspot.com.es/p/ictclilurjc-blog-roll.html
They are asked to consider using this rubric when evaluating edesigns and use an essential PBL checklist to test this approach against the chosen eprojects.
Step 2. The target audience is asked to choose one e-project to evaluate and analyse it in depth to later present the concluded assessment online and point out the most enjoyable design elements, tasks, skills, proposals and so forth as well as giving positive feedback and reasons for their evaluation. In order to produce their final outcome they are provided with these presentation tools:
And, finally, here you are a webmix that compiles their final digital outcomes:
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