A potential cover 4 #twima2

As you are bound to have guessed by now, the ictclil_urjc bunch of pre-service teachers attending the Master's Degree Module for The use of ICT & Digital Resources in Primary Bilingual Ed. URJC. 2015 Edition, are connecting with collaborative projects worldwide, and one of them is our much appreciated #twima2.

Stage 1 is finished and we are now diving deeply into Stage 2 to build multimedia artifacts while interpreting other collaborators' dreams.

On top of that, the collaborative iBook we are all helping to produce and publish is so far, 25 chapters and 630 pages of brilliant dreams written/illustrated by over 90 classes worldwide, and it needs a cover, doesn't it?

Well, our talented @MartaLFabero28 has come up with a sweet potential cover for #twima2 which we are proudly presenting right now:

Everybody in class and myself are keeping our fingers crossed for Marta's cover to be singled out as the final one.

Good luck, Marta!
