Student Blogging Challenge 2014 - Week 3

Tell us about your town and country for Week 3 Activities within Student Blogging Challenge 2014.

If you belong to the groups of students assigned to me, then I'm your Mentor!

Please, check the September 2014 Students entry to see if you are under this heading:

That's me, María, and I am looking forward to finding out a bit more about where you are from, what your town is like, so why not getting in touch through cross-commenting in our blogs? I can also let you know about my own country, Spain.

Get ready and choose one or more activities among those proposed for Week 3. Let me know that you are done by posting a comment in this entry, or leave me a voice message in the blog voice mail, and I will happily get back to you.

You are also welcome to visit my About me page and leave your comments. Or, if you'd rather have a look at new tools and widgets, here you are my list of tools and resources to create quizzes or other types of digital content. Would you like to give it a try? Why not using it for accomplishing one of Week 3 activities? Check it regularly, as it is frequently updated.

If you need help, just let me know, I am here to give you a hand.

All along the week I will be paying a visit to your blog and commenting on your entries too!

Keep the conversation up, comment, share and get engaged. Connected blogging is fun!
