Interactively Breaking Science
Hello kids! Today we are going to show you some apps and tools we have found for you.
Hello teachers! As you have read, you can also see the multimedia content in order to take information for your future lessons or activitites.
We hope you enjoy with our ideas!
Have a nice Easter holiday and break the science...
The tool we use in this activity is Blendspace. It is a project about the Seed Germination
Blendspace, is one of our new favorite presentation platform, this makes presentations incrementally more engaging!
Participants will need to login to participate in a presentation, but fear not! You can use your Google Account to login.
You can choose varied layouts, be colorful and sequence your presentation the way you want it! Here's what's awesome about the layout: Not only can the participant play the slideshow in the order you sequence, they can also from the layout view, choose their own order.
The rubric that teachers can use in order to assess their students in this activity is the following one:
This activity is called "How does a tornado form"? The task has to be done in pairwork. The children will do step by step the different slides. They can look for the information when is needed in the Internet (for example, in the case of searching what are the most frequent places where a tornado occurs).
The instructions are given through voice comments. Voicethread is a tool you can store as a iPhone or Android app. Also, it allows you combinationing visual and recorded media which is perfect for creating multimedia presentations in a relatively short time frame using simple tools. It also prompts students to think carefully about what they are going to say before recording themselves These are the main characterisitics of the VoiceThread. It is only an example how you as teacher can use this tool. The objective is that the children will make a VoiceThread themselves with the guidance of the teacher. It is easy to use, and the pupils find it motivating because they have to record their voices.

The app we have used is Voxopop. It is a useful tool for creating oral debates where students can develop opinion by debates with mates and teachers. We have created a talkgroup with the name of "Breaking Science Group" and you can discuss about our next project: Earth's Day.
The rubric teacher can use is the next one:
Pinterest is a fantastic tool where everybody can "Pin" whatever you want. You can use it properly where you create folders or spaces with different information, pics, videos, etc. Students can research and add if they want!Use it and enjoy!
The model of an assessment for students is this one:
In this activity the kids will answer to a test about the countries in Europe, a regular test usually made with a worksheet but this time we use the ICT adventages. This way, the activity is more attractive for the students. This test appears on the Spanish test CDI and this contents are quite important.
To solve the activity they have to press 'start' and the timer will start and they will have to press the dot related to the country appearing on the screen.
Countries activity -
Rubric -
6. Quiz Beans
Rubri -
This activity is done to review some contents they have acquired.
It is an alternative way to check the unit knowledge using ICT.
The pupil will answer with YES or NO if the affirmation is true or not.
Quiz activity -
Full info at Breaking Science Blog.
Hello teachers! As you have read, you can also see the multimedia content in order to take information for your future lessons or activitites.
We hope you enjoy with our ideas!
Have a nice Easter holiday and break the science...
The tool we use in this activity is Blendspace. It is a project about the Seed Germination

Blendspace, is one of our new favorite presentation platform, this makes presentations incrementally more engaging!
Participants will need to login to participate in a presentation, but fear not! You can use your Google Account to login.
You can choose varied layouts, be colorful and sequence your presentation the way you want it! Here's what's awesome about the layout: Not only can the participant play the slideshow in the order you sequence, they can also from the layout view, choose their own order.
The rubric that teachers can use in order to assess their students in this activity is the following one:
This activity is called "How does a tornado form"? The task has to be done in pairwork. The children will do step by step the different slides. They can look for the information when is needed in the Internet (for example, in the case of searching what are the most frequent places where a tornado occurs).
The instructions are given through voice comments. Voicethread is a tool you can store as a iPhone or Android app. Also, it allows you combinationing visual and recorded media which is perfect for creating multimedia presentations in a relatively short time frame using simple tools. It also prompts students to think carefully about what they are going to say before recording themselves These are the main characterisitics of the VoiceThread. It is only an example how you as teacher can use this tool. The objective is that the children will make a VoiceThread themselves with the guidance of the teacher. It is easy to use, and the pupils find it motivating because they have to record their voices.

The app we have used is Voxopop. It is a useful tool for creating oral debates where students can develop opinion by debates with mates and teachers. We have created a talkgroup with the name of "Breaking Science Group" and you can discuss about our next project: Earth's Day.
The rubric teacher can use is the next one:
Pinterest is a fantastic tool where everybody can "Pin" whatever you want. You can use it properly where you create folders or spaces with different information, pics, videos, etc. Students can research and add if they want!Use it and enjoy!
The model of an assessment for students is this one:
In this activity the kids will answer to a test about the countries in Europe, a regular test usually made with a worksheet but this time we use the ICT adventages. This way, the activity is more attractive for the students. This test appears on the Spanish test CDI and this contents are quite important.
To solve the activity they have to press 'start' and the timer will start and they will have to press the dot related to the country appearing on the screen.
Countries activity -
Rubric -
6. Quiz Beans
Rubri -
This activity is done to review some contents they have acquired.
It is an alternative way to check the unit knowledge using ICT.
The pupil will answer with YES or NO if the affirmation is true or not.
Quiz activity -
Full info at Breaking Science Blog.
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