7th Virtual Round Table Web Conference
Today our class has presented the e-project, in which we
have been working during three months, in the 7th Virtual RoundTable Web Conference.
Our teacher, Mª Jesus, had asked us to participate in TheVirtual Round Table Conference, and all of us were a little confused about what
this will consist of. This kind of site
is an annual web conference for language learning technologies, where teachers and experts share with the world their projects.
We have to own up that at the beginning we were a little afraid
to share our e-project in such a huge way but we are now very pleased to have
taken part in this conference for several reasons. Firstly, it was a new
experience for us and secondly, because we could see how amazed the people were
about our work and some of them said that they will try these tools with other
Although the performance took place today, the first checking
sound was yesterday and the second one today just before starting. Once that we
were on live, Angelika Güttel- Strahlhofer let our teacher, Mª Jesus, give a brief
introduction about our presentation, and after that, all our mates introduced their projects and explained them with more detail.
All of us were very nervous, but finally it came out in a
brilliant way in spite of some sound problems in some of the presentations.
Still, we are really proud of the final results and we have not enough
words to thank all the people who made this project come true.

To finish up, thank to the Virtual Round Table team to give
us the opportunity to present our e-project which we have made with effort and a
lot of enthusiasm. Thanks to Angelika Güttel- Strahlhofer also for giving us some
extra time to be able to present all of the e-projects. And last but not least,
thanks so much to our wonderful teacher to challenge us with such amazing work.
We really have learnt a lot from you, as you would say, thanks a bunch! ;P
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