You are the Historian: Investigating the First Thanksgiving
What do you know about the First Thanksgiving? What would you like to know?
Ready? OK, let's become historians and learn about the First Thanksgiving.
After you have done all the activities and you have learned it all about the First Thanksgiving, click on Share what you've discovered and choose one character. View the various pictures, Google your favourite ones and save at least five that you think may help people understand the main ideas you would like to share.
Then, think of exhibit labels. Exhibit labels are sentences that explain the pictures you have chosen. When you have gathered all the pictures and labels together, visit Photopeach, sign up for free and then log in.
Design a Museum Exhibit. Your exhibit must have three parts: the title, five slides that include your pictures and your explanatory exhibit labels, plus a final slide with your name and the current date.
When you are done and happy with your work, click on the Embed in Blog button,
At the end, you will have to present your Museum Exhibit to the rest of your mates.
Have fun!
Source: Plimoth Plantation