Tips for writing a report

Key success factors:

  • Being clear and concise
  • Making sensible recommendations based on your observations

Other important tips when you are writing a report:

  • Look carefully at who the report is for and what they need to know. This will help you choose what information you have to include.
  • In the introduction state what the aim of the report is.
  • Decide what the subsections are going to be within the areas of the report and think of headings for them.
  • For each paragraph state the stiuation, both strengths and wekness, and then make a recommendation.
  • If in an exam you are given information on which to base your report, try not to use exactly the same words.
  • Try to use a variety of expressions for generalizing and making suggestions.
  • Use an appropriate professional style, avoiding very informal expressions.


DRAFT your report, using the headings and suggestions you worked on in the previous stage, that is, when planning.

EDIT the report, deciding if there is any information that should be left out and making sure the report is the right length.

CHECK the report for mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation and register.

Source: New English File Advanced. Student's Book. O. U. P.


  1. Thanks for the suggestion for writing a report. I think we all should keep in mind these points for writing a report.

    1. I hope students do ... at least, when they are asked to write reports


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