World Book Day

Wordle: Happy World Book Day!

Every 23 April we celebrate World Book Day. You may be wondering why.

Well, traditionally it started with Spanish booksellers honouring Miguel de Cervantes, our most universal writer, who died on that day, but in 1995, UNESCO decided that the World Book and Copyright Day would be from then on officially celebrated on 23 April, since the date is the anniversary of the birth and death of William Shakespeare, the death of Cervantes and of several other writers.
Why not spending this day on an interesting webquest where you can find out more info about how the World Book Day is celebrated in different countries, what they do so as to honour reading and writing and deal with some activities about this cultural issue?
Here you are some interesting links that will help you with your assignment. All comments and posts are welcome.
ESL Holiday Lessons: World Book and Copyright Day

ESL Holiday Lessons: International Children’s Book Day

World Book Day in UK and Ireland

Happy World Book Day to all!
