
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2012

The Value of Wrinkles

Online Reputation and Cyberbullying

Second Chances

Clash of cultures, by Diana



Thanksgiving Day. History vs. Past

Thanksgiving & the Turkey


Something good to commemorate

The First Thanksgiving by Marina

The Wampanoag mixed with pilgrims to celebrate the harvest, by Paloma

1621, The Celebration. By Yolanda G.

Reading and writing a short story

First Thanksgiving

My tribe for you, by María P.

Autumn 1621: The beginning of a tradition

Problems with Passive Voice?

Become part of Kuentalibros!

How to Carve a Turkey: Thanksgiving Recipes

You are the Historian: Investigating the First Thanksgiving

The House



A family photo

I'm not hooked on social networks, by Diana

Are you hooked on social networking?

Hooked on social networks?, by Henar

I'm Aurelio and I'm not hooked on social networks

Why do youngsters drink alcohol?, by Carla

Reasons why youngsters drink alcohol

Why do youngsters drink alcohol?, by Nacho

Alcohol and young people, by Ana

Why drinking alcohol when you are young?

Drinking alcohol at adolescence, by Miguel

Youngsters and alcohol

Let's talk about alcohol!

If I had been born in the 90s ...

Our life would be different without technology

I'm not hooked on social networks, by Yolanda

How to make a Spanish omelette, by Diego

Why do youngsters drink alcohol?

Am I hooked on social networks?

Addiction to social networks, by David F.

Hooked on social networks, by Paloma

Far West